5 Impor­tant Global Lead­er­ship Confer­ences 2019

Developing Excellence

Glob­al­i­sa­tion has continued to chal­lenge all that we know and believe about manage­ment prac­tices world­wide. With that said, global leaders need to keep their fingers on the pulse and stay updated about issues facing multi­na­tional busi­nesses.

Attending confer­ences is a perfect way to network and continue your profes­sional devel­op­ment. A lot of these confer­ences are also great for getting research find­ings published, so if you are a global leader with an acad­emic flair, then a lot of these confer­ences have space for you to present your find­ings or get your papers published.

We’ve taken the time to pull together a list of the events that will boost your profes­sional network, add to your profes­sional devel­op­ment and give you fresh ideas and perspec­tives.

1. Global Manage­ment Confer­ence 2019 — Univer­sity of River­side

Date: September 2019 (specifics to be confirmed)
Loca­tion: United States, Cali­fornia

This global confer­ence brings together acad­emic thought leaders and busi­ness manage­ment profes­sionals to discuss the pressing issues and research inter­ests facing global managers. Topics for discus­sion include Global Entre­pre­neur­ship and New Ventures, Global Lead­er­ship and Compet­i­tive­ness on Manage­rial Global Terrain. Thought leaders can also submit areas of inter­ests that they wish to present. Details for doing this are on the website.

Keynote Speakers have yet to be confirmed on the website.

2. Inter­na­tional Manage­ment Confer­ence 2019

Date: 31 October — 1st November 2019
Loca­tion: Romania, Bucharest

This confer­ence is now in its 13th year and gives global managers a chance to meet up with their peers and discuss the chal­lenges of managing teams in multi­na­tional corpo­ra­tions. The confer­ence is orga­nized in part­ner­ship with the Manage­ment Acad­emic Society in Romania (SAMRO). Like the Global Manage­ment Confer­ence in the Univer­sity of River­side, partic­i­pants can also recom­mend topics for discus­sion. Details for this are also on the website.

Keynote Speakers have yet to be confirmed on the website.

3. 15th Euro­pean Confer­ence on Manage­ment Lead­er­ship and Gover­nance (ECMLG)

Date: 14 – 15 November 2019
Loca­tion: Porto, Portugual

This year’s confer­ence is going to look at how the inte­gra­tion of tech­nology continues to affect manage­ment prac­tices in global corpo­ra­tions. This confer­ence aims to equip atten­dees in all areas around manage­ment, gover­nance and busi­ness lead­er­ship tech­niques.

Keynote Speakers

Manuel Perez Cota — The Changing Role of Industry Knowl­edge For Global Busi­nesses

Manuel Perez Cota has been moni­toring the progress of Infor­ma­tion Systems in Industry as a specialism for many years. He aims to show the new and future advances in the way industry is managing infor­ma­tion systems. How should these systems be managed? How do you obtain a better gover­nance of different enter­prises as you make use of all these new tech­nolo­gies? Manuel will be discussing all of these new ideas in his presen­ta­tion.

Isabel Ramos — Collec­tive Atten­tion to Digital Trans­for­ma­tion: How Smart Orga­ni­za­tions use IT

Isabel Ramos has special­ized in infor­ma­tion system engi­neering for many years — there’s very little she doesn’t know about the latest infor­ma­tion system tech­nology being created that will propel your busi­ness oper­a­tion forward. She’ll be talking about how you can use Infor­ma­tion Systems in a smart why, and will be high­lighting organ­i­sa­tions that are already doing a bril­liant job of this.

4. Academy for Inter­na­tional Busi­ness Confer­ence Africa Confer­ence

Date: 4 – 7 August 2019
Loca­tion: Accra, Ghana

This confer­ence focuses on the part corpo­ra­tions have to play in the idea that Africa’s economies should be built on prin­ci­ples of trade rather than aid. This confer­ence will be great for any global leaders that are managing large teams in African nations. The confer­ence will have presen­ta­tions that address manage­ment prac­tices and issues relating to the current of economic state of Africa, which will undoubt­edly affect the deci­sions you’ll be making regarding your area of busi­ness respon­si­bility. Further details can be found on the website.

Keynote Speakers

Professor Gyan Baffour — Professor Baffour has a solid back­ground in economics and economic policy and has been an active part of the economic devel­op­ment of Ghana for many years. He’ll be able to give a fantastic overview of how multi­na­tional corpo­ra­tions fit into the overall economic strategy for emerging African economies.

Professor Helena Barnard — Professor Barnard has trav­elled all over the globe talking about all things to do with Inter­na­tional Busi­ness manage­ment. She is also recog­nised as being an expert on multi­na­tional corpo­ra­tions from emerging markets and is bound to add plenty of value.

Ibrahim Awal Mohammed — A prolific entre­pre­neur who has sat the the top of organ­i­sa­tions such as Chase Petro­leum and the Graphic Commu­ni­ca­tions Group Limited, Mr Mohammed is a master when it comes to busi­ness devel­op­ment, busi­ness manage­ment, marketing and commu­ni­ca­tions. He’s provided consul­tancy services over the years in both private and public spheres and is a keen acad­emic.

5. The 12th Annual Euromed Academy of Busi­ness (EMAB) Confer­ence

Date: 18 – 20 September 2019
Loca­tion: Thes­sa­loniki, Greece

Up for discus­sion in this confer­ence is all there is to know about Busi­ness Manage­ment Theo­ries and Prac­tices in a Dynamic, Compet­i­tive Envi­ron­ment. Sounds like a topic all global leaders will find value in. Based in the beau­tiful Greece, it’s a great oppor­tu­nity if you’re based in Europe and would love to network with your manage­ment peers.

Keynote Speakers have yet to be confirmed on the website.

Are you plan­ning to go to any of these confer­ences? Let us know in the comments. And if you want to learn more about global lead­er­ship, don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter: