YOU!” Excel­lence is about the active self-design of your own life, in other words, self-manage­ment. The concept of manage­ment comes from the Latin words “manu agere”, meaning “take some­thing in your hand.” It is to seize, to grasp, or to have some­thing handled, in this case your self.

These compe­ten­cies are:

Commu­ni­ca­tion Compe­ten­cies

A. Inter­per­sonal

B. Intrap­er­sonal

Self-Manage­ment Compe­ten­cies

A. Self-compe­tence and Perfor­mance

B. Change Manage­ment

In partic­ular:

  • Task manage­ment to coor­di­nate upcoming tasks
  • Moti­va­tion as a prereq­ui­site for self-manage­ment
  • Self-regu­la­tion as the back­ground of the cyber­netic system theory
  • Trans­for­ma­tion Compe­tency as a compe­tency to change goals into results
  • Voli­tion (Manage­ment) as Willpower for self-control
  • Voli­tion (Psychologie) as the devel­op­ment of goals and objec­tives
  • Time Manage­ment as an aspect of self-manage­ment
Commu­ni­ca­tion Compe­ten­cies

Having good commu­ni­ca­tion skills is one of the most impor­tant parts of social skills. It includes the ability to dialogue, to express oneself orally, to moderate, and to argue.

Commu­ni­ca­tion is a train­able skill that requires system­atic prac­tice and learning certain tech­niques. Through eurac, you will not only obtain commu­ni­ca­tion skills, but also further develop your insights into the commu­ni­ca­tion process.

Self-Manage­ment Compe­ten­cies

Self-manage­ment is defined as the ability to create solu­tions in diffi­cult situ­a­tions for your­self, in order to over­come these situ­a­tions success­fully. In short, self-manage­ment refers to “managing” your own mental and emotional state.

The mental sphere is the most impor­tant, followed by the emotional. They are inter­de­pen­dent. A change on one level has logical conse­quences on the other level.

There are various topics in the mental and emotional spheres, including dealing with self-esteem, self-confi­dence, values, personal goals, etc.

Upcoming events for “YOU!” Excel­lence:

October 2020

Commu­ni­ca­tion Excel­lence — Level 2

23. October
Communication Excellence

Level 2: Effec­tive Language Patterns; System Coaching 1. Overview Having good commu­ni­ca­tion skills is one of the most impor­tant parts of social skills. It includes the ability to dialogue, to…

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November 2020

Personal Excel­lence — Level 3

13. November — 15. November
Liecht­en­steiner Busi­­ness-Center AG, Landstr. 123
Triesen, 9495 Liecht­en­stein
+ Google Map
Personal Excellence

Level 3: New Behavior Building 1. Overview Personal Excel­lence is defined as the ability to create solu­tions in diffi­cult situ­a­tions to enable your­self to over­come these situ­a­tions success­fully. In short,…

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December 2020

Commu­ni­ca­tion Excel­lence — Level 3

4. December — 6. December
Communication Excellence

Level 3: Commu­ni­ca­tion Model, Ad hoc Commu­ni­ca­tion Strate­gies 1. Overview Having good commu­ni­ca­tion skills is one of the most impor­tant parts of social skills. It includes the ability to dialogue,…

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