This Emotional Intel­li­gence Test for Global Leaders uses 40 ques­tions based on Gole­man’s four quad­rant Emotional Intel­li­gence Compe­tency Model (2002) and the Global EI Capa­bility Assess­ment instru­ment.

This quiz is meant as a fun way to discover in which EI areas you are doing well and in which you have room for your devel­op­ment. It works best if you do not over-analyse the ques­tions, but choose as spon­ta­neously as possible the state­ment that comes closest to the way you are.

This test takes about 10 minutes to complete and won’t be 100% accu­rate — there’s a much bigger test needed to assess your Emotional Intel­li­gence correctly — but it can help you begin your journey of becoming a Global Leader.

1 Self-Aware­ness
2 Self-Manage­ment
3 Social Aware­ness
4 Rela­tion­ship Manage­ment
5 Score Test
  • Self Awareness