Develop Global Leaders
Empower Global Organizations

Welcome at eurac, Euro­pean Academy for Exec­u­tive Educa­tion. We have worked in the field of lead­er­ship devel­op­ment, exec­u­tive coaching, and excel­lent commu­ni­ca­tion since 1995.

eurac regards itself as an inte­grated inter­na­tional busi­ness school with the aim of providing compre­hen­sive and prac­tical “state of the art” lead­er­ship and coaching training for senior and top manage­ment in all indus­tries. eurac delivers prac­tice-oriented, directly applic­able knowl­edge, and sustain­able bene­fits to its exec­u­tives and compa­nies for their personal and corpo­rate growth, creating excep­tional economic values and magnif­i­cent social values.

With an excel­lent inter­dis­ci­pli­nary team hailing from diverse acad­emic back­grounds and rich busi­ness prac­tices, eurac is dedi­cated to offering outstanding educa­tion and unique services for its clients around the world, espe­cially in Europe and Asia. eurac is not only ranked as one of the most renowned insti­tu­tions for lead­er­ship training and educa­tion in German-speaking coun­tries, but also boasts an excel­lent repu­ta­tion abroad.

In the past 25 years, eurac has success­fully deliv­ered tens of thou­sands of exec­u­tive programs for global clients in the fields of IT, High Tech, cosmetics, finance, auto­mo­bile, manu­fac­turing, logis­tics, media, food and beverage, fashion, tourism, medi­cine, and defense. How may we support you?

Reality shows that inter­na­tional advan­tages are secured by leaders with a global mindset and who are able to adapt rapidly to an ever evolving, highly compet­i­tive market. But how are those leaders developed?

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Customized learning is a effec­tive and econom­ical form of manage­ment training. We develop customized training approaches that focus exclu­sively on the objec­tives, condi­tions, and the partic­i­pant struc­ture of your company.

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Through a strong concen­tra­tion on the scien­tific and busi­ness advi­sory fields, eurac has special­ized its own train­ings concept around the indi­vid­uals’ compe­ten­cies for success: the eurac skill and compe­tency framework.

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Those who want to achieve goals and success­fully master the future must be capable of effec­tive action. Leaders must remain profes­sion­ally and person­ally oriented to make deci­sions and meet the increasing demands of the market.

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Global Lead­er­ship Devel­op­ment for Multi-National Corpo­ra­tions and Individuals

Glob­al­iza­tion changed our work envi­ron­ments and corpo­ra­tions face the chal­lenge that their leaders lack the skills to adequately meet the demands of a more and more connected world.

Multi-national corpo­ra­tions began to confront and try to solve the chal­lenge of finding and devel­oping leaders who could operate sucess­fully in the global context by using different approaches, usually built on top of a do-fail-learn-mindset. These early adopters quickly faced internal barriers within the companies.

Our trainers and coaches are experts in Global Lead­er­ship, Psychology, Inter­cul­tural and Cross-cultural Commu­ni­ca­tion, Coaching across Cultures, and Change processes. They have diverse geograph­ical as well as educa­tional back­grounds. With their commit­ment to field-research and quality training, they are compe­tent to support managers in achieving their goals.

We support C‑Levels and Top-Exec­u­tives leading multi-national compa­nies. We will supply you with cross-cultur­ally and inter-cultur­ally compe­tent global leaders to build effi­cient global teams and create successful global orga­ni­za­tions.

More about Global Lead­er­ship Development

Exec­u­tive Academy

Through a strong concen­tra­tion on the scien­tific and busi­ness advi­sory fields, eurac has special­ized its own train­ings concept around the indi­vid­uals’ compe­ten­cies for success: the eurac skill and compe­tency frame­work.

The strength of eurac is to work with small and exclu­sive groups, in order to provide indi­vid­u­ality, differ­en­ti­a­tion, and quality at the highest level. This is under­lined by the inter­na­tional certifi­cates of eurac-educa­tion according to inter­na­tional stan­dards offered together with our partner universities.

Discover our seminars
Claudia Jing Zhang and Wolfgang Schmitz

Our Ressources for You: Start Your Learning Journey

Global Lead­er­ship is a new and exciting approach custom-tailored to the chal­lenges faced by multi-national corpo­ra­tions today. Each week we illu­mi­nate an aspect of Global Lead­er­ship in our magazine.

Click on the button below or one of the teasers to learn more about Global Lead­er­ship from the world’s best like Joyce Osland, Gigi de Groot, Claudia Jing Zhang, Wolf­gang Schmitz and many more.

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