It is increas­ingly impor­tant to speak freely and securely in front of groups, to prepare mean­ingful lectures and presen­ta­tions, and to create a pleasant and moti­vating atmos­phere. This also applies in self-presen­ta­tions, discus­sions, and meet­ings.

Giving good presen­ta­tions, semi­nars, and train­ings is a high art! Your success as a trainer depends on many factors. Successful trainers design semi­nars so that partic­i­pants can easily learn the presented theo­ries and content, thus directly trans­fer­ring learned knowl­edge to their profes­sional prac­tice.

You will achieve this high compe­tency of prac­tical transfer as you create custom-fit train­ings and inte­grate your authentic personal style. You will develop your indi­vidual trainer profile and concep­tu­alize your successful and indi­vidual presen­ta­tion or seminar. At the end of the “Train-the-Trainer” course, you will have devel­oped your own seminar.

In this course, you will learn about group and systems dynamics, as well as how to lead and coor­di­nate group processes. Upon comple­tion of this course, you will know how to speak and interact at different levels of commu­ni­ca­tion.

The trainers’ training will increase your compe­ten­cies in an effi­cient manner. The methods and tech­niques are prac­tice-oriented and easy to apply. Contin­uous feed­back regarding your skill devel­op­ment will allow you to become more confi­dent and successful in your specific envi­ron­ment.

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