The 8 Top Arti­cles About Global Leadership

Global Lead­er­ship has been a topic of increasing rele­vance and interest for almost three decades, and right­fully so. Technology’s simpli­fi­ca­tion of connecting on a global scale has made it possible to commu­ni­cate and operate as if the entire world is a single entity; thereby compelling leaders wishing to impact the world, to take note and learn. 

For those who desire growth and devel­op­ment, this overview of global lead­er­ship will prove to be an invalu­able resource. It consists of arti­cles that address foun­da­tional ques­tions and provide a solid working knowl­edge upon which you, the reader can build. The arti­cles listed here will address one of four primary ques­tions regarding global lead­er­ship: What? Why? Who? or How?

What is global leadership?

A good place to begin learning about the topic at hand is with Eurac’s article, An Inter­view about Global Lead­er­ship: What it is, what it’s not and why you should become a global leader, which paints a clear picture of what global lead­er­ship is; and equally impor­tant, what it is not. This article is compre­hen­sive in its coverage and provides a thor­ough intro­duc­tion to global lead­er­ship and what it entails.

An Overview of the Global Lead­er­ship Liter­a­ture, by Joyce Osland, also provides a strong defi­n­i­tion and descrip­tion of global lead­er­ship. This text provides a list of attrib­utes, char­ac­ter­is­tics, and prac­tices you will find indica­tive of a global leader, or at least a glob­alist. A glob­alist is someone who could poten­tially be a global leader because they already possess a global mindset. It also refer­ences some history and resources for further study on the topic. 

Should you wish to go even more in-depth, What is Global Lead­er­ship by Reiche, Menden­hall, Bird, and Osland elab­o­rates a frame­work for under­standing the glob­ality in lead­er­ship, focusing on three distinct yet inter­re­lated condi­tions of global lead­er­ship: contex­tual, rela­tional and spatial-temporal. The article also high­lights crit­ical elements of lead­er­ship on a global scale and discusses the impli­ca­tions for designing global lead­er­ship devel­op­ment activities.

Who is a global leader?

Global lead­er­ship experts often argue that anyone can be a global leader. Just as a title is not what makes a leader, “leading a global team doesn’t auto­mat­i­cally make you a global leader”. The experts assert that anyone — regard­less of their posi­tion — can be a global leader. The keys are a will­ing­ness to work on self-improve­men­t/­self‑de­vel­op­ment, and the proper atti­tude (Schmitz, 2018). 

For a list of attrib­utes, traits, and skills, ideal for a global leader to embody, refer to Devel­oping Global Leaders of Tomorrow. Key Traits, Atti­tudes, and Skills of Global Leaders is another good one. Both demon­strate how these skills are utilized in common situ­a­tions of work­place envi­ron­ments and bring unique elements to the topic. 

The first article high­lights why global leaders are neces­sary and shares how those supporting global leaders can aide in their devel­op­ment. The latter aims to further prepare those who wish to be global leaders by divulging common chal­lenges global leaders encounter. 

How does one develop a global leader?

Rele­vance occurs where one’s knowl­edge and one’s need inter­sect. The infor­ma­tion shared above is helpful and rele­vant to the degree that it can be trans­ferred to personal circum­stances, and applied in prac­tical ways to meet needs. 

The arti­cles below rein­force rele­vance by sharing how-tos and other devel­op­mental prac­tices for the newly-acquired infor­ma­tion above. These arti­cles share prac­tices that are applic­able whether the devel­op­ment process is imple­mented by an exec­u­tive or senior lead­er­ship team, or completed in more of a self-directed capacity. 

Devel­oping the Global Leader provides a snap­shot of expe­ri­ences and other ways to grow and develop as a global leader; whereas How Global Leaders Develop, provides a more in-depth look into some of the expe­ri­ences global leaders describe as devel­op­mental. It also shares their expe­ri­ence take­aways and explores what was learned and how the partic­i­pants devel­oped as a result. 

Lastly, Inter­per­sonal Compe­ten­cies of Global Leaders And How to Develop Them shares what a global leader needs to succeed, and how to develop the afore­men­tioned needed skills. 

For a better overview, we’ve summa­rized these 8 top arti­cles about global lead­er­ship for you here again: 

  1. An Inter­view about Global Lead­er­ship: What it is, what it’s not and why you should become a global leader
  2. An Overview of the Global Lead­er­ship Liter­a­ture
  3. What is Global Lead­er­ship
  4. Devel­oping Global Leaders of Tomorrow
  5. Key Traits, Atti­tudes, and Skills of Global Leaders
  6. Devel­oping the Global Leader
  7. How Global Leaders Develop
  8. Inter­per­sonal Compe­ten­cies of Global Leaders And How to Develop Them

Together, these arti­cles provide a thor­ough foun­da­tion and working knowl­edge of global lead­er­ship. There are many more in addi­tion to the ones mentioned here. But the arti­cles mentioned here will undoubt­edly equip you with a substan­tial amount of quality infor­ma­tion on global lead­er­ship. This can be used to rein­force your efforts and help cata­pult you into success, no matter your busi­ness arena, or the lead­er­ship path you choose. 

For more insights into global lead­er­ship, sign up for our weekly emails that send the latest infor­ma­tion straight to your inbox: