Learn the excel­lent eurac approach to compe­ten­cies for success

Through our many years of training expe­ri­ence and with our own personal claim on inno­va­tion and profes­sion­alism, eurac creates a different kind of approach to train­ings, semi­nars, and coaching:

Away from instru­men­tal­ized isola­tion appli­ca­tions (“spot-solu­tions”) of lead­er­ship and commu­ni­ca­tion, such as rhetoric, moti­va­tion, and simple manage­ment techniques.

Toward a congruent and over­ar­ching unity of your personal compe­ten­cies for success: excellence

Personal Excel­lence, Team Excel­lence and Company Excel­lence

This premier devel­op­ment concept is indi­vid­u­ally special­ized for you, your team, and your company.

Give space for the devel­op­ment of your compe­ten­cies for success.

Take time:

  • You!” Excel­lence
  • Lead­er­ship Excellence
  • Training Excel­lence

Competencies for Success


In busi­ness today, it is vital to have infor­ma­tion and common knowl­edge in dealing with your daily work routine accom­pa­nies you, your team, and your busi­ness exclu­sively on your way to:

Personal Excel­lence, Team Excel­lence and Company Excel­lence

Defi­n­i­tion: Intel­li­gence + Resources = Competency

Sum of Compe­ten­cies = Excellence

Personal Excel­lence occurs when the indi­vidual employee has acquired the ability, in every situ­a­tion, under any condi­tion, and in every envi­ron­ment, to conduct himself or herself accord­ingly. The employee’s ability to commu­ni­cate at the same level with any other indi­vidual who has achieved Personal Excel­lence becomes entirely spontaneous. 

That means, without a signif­i­cant number of team members who have achieved Personal Excel­lence, the “work group” cannot achieve Team Excel­lence

Excel­lence describes the sum of all the success compe­ten­cies, including the ability to imple­ment actions in order to achieve success respec­tively illus­trates the highest levels of an orga­ni­za­tional unit (Company, Team, Personal) in which the Company Excel­lence is supe­rior to Team Excel­lence. Team Excel­lence is like­wise higher than Personal Excel­lence

Next steps

Personal Excel­lence leads to Team Excel­lence. Team Excel­lence leads to Company Excel­lence. And Company Excel­lence leads to excel­lent results for your company.

If achieving great results again and again is a priority for you, then we should talk.